This blog will definitely be very sporadic. I will talk about everything and anything on my mind from Jesus, to work, to weight, to youth and of course my hubby (who I absolutely adore in case you didnt know that!) I may even find some old stuff I've written and put it up just for fun!
I am interested in seeing what becomes of this and hope you enjoy your future reads....Just to let you know I intend on not boring you as you read....so for today I am bringing back one of my oldies but goodies. But before I do let me give you some history. I have an amazing group of friends who I work out with every week (about 3-4 times a week). About 1 1/2 yrs ago I had a psycho, dumb work out where I thought I should do lunges for an extended amount of time. That my friends should be used as corporal punishment. I think instead of the electric chair they should make criminals lunge for 3 hrs. and then make them wake up and run a marathon in their soreness....OH YES AMERICA! That is torture! Here is a look at what happend the day after ...
4:20 am- alarm clock goes off
4:20.6 am- I roll over
4:20.7 am- I wimper
4:20.8 am- I realize I cannot move
4:21 am- I am still wimpering
4:25am- Still trying to roll
4:27am- I get up as I lean against the wall
4:29 am- I make it to my bathroom that is 2 ft away from my bedroom
4:29.8am- I begin my venture down to the toilet seat
4:31 am- Still going
4:33 am- Still going (wimper)
4:35 am - Still going
4:36 am- Sat on toilet seat (wimpering loudly)
4:37 am- Finished business began venture to stand up
4:38 am- Thinking about the pain I was about to endure
4:39 am- Prepared my will & testament
4:40 am- started to stand up
4:42 am- Still going
4:44 am- Still going
4:45 am- Trumpets sound as I get up
4:45.5 am- Thinking about which leg I should move first
4:49 am- I chose the left one!
4:55 am- I moved the left one
5:00 am- I moved the right one
5:01 am- I cursed Sonia and Bee in my mind for yesterdays work out
5:01.5 am- I realized I liked it
5:02 am- I repented
5:03 am Decided I could not go because I was on the verge of crying
5:15 am- Made it back to my bed from the bathroom (wimpering)
5:16 am- Began to roll
5:25 am- Finished rolling on bed
5:25.1am- Fell back to sleep ZZZZZZZZZZ
6:45 am alarm sounds
6:45.3 am I sound like a hurt whale and realize I have to do EVERYTHING all over again!
I was a hot mess...LOL !!!! Have a blessed day!
you are the craziest woman I have ever met in my life. You should look into comedy.